There is no difference to the techniques applied in supervising financial intitutions. Monitoring is conducted through both on-site inspections and off site analysis of data submitted to the Reserve Bank.

Domestic Banks and Other Deposit taking institutions

Domestic Banks and Other Deposit taking Institutions are required to submit monthly data on assets, liabilities, loan (asset quality) classification and foreign exchange turnover, and on quarterly basis submit profitability, large credit exposures and deposits, maturity profile of assets and liabilities, country exposures, exposure to related entities, capital adequacy, and equity investments. In addition, domestic banks are also required to comply with compulsory public disclosure requirements designed to facilitate monitoring of the financial condition and to enhance market discipline. All domestic banks must submit audited copies of their annual accounts to the RBV, and published in the press, and made available to members of the public.

International Banks

International banks are required to submit quarterly data  on assets and liabilities, profitability, large credit exposures and deposits, maturity profile of assets and liabilities, country exposures, exposure to related entities, capital adequacy, loan (asset quality) classification, and equity investments. All international banks must submit audited copies of their annual accounts to the RBV.

Other Financial Institutions

Vanuatu National Provident Fund is required to submit quarterly data on assets, liabilities, profitability, directly held investments, derivative financial instruments, and exposure concentrations.  VNPF is also required to lodge monthly data on loans (asset quality) written up by its subsidiary company -Members Financial Services Loans.